



作为对ESG集成的持续承诺的一部分,新世界发展有限公司(“NWD”或“公司”)已成为世界上第一个价格为USD可持续性联系债券(SLB)的房地产开发商。SLB以峰值6次超额认购,凭借国际ESG投资者(〜80%)的强大参与,包括亚洲和欧洲各地的知名基金经理,资产管理人员和保险公司。这笔交易价格为T + 275个基点,暗示负5个基点新发行溢价,也实现了NWD公共美元计价债券提供的最低收益率。

The 10-year USD200 million bond (coupon rate: 3.75%) has a Sustainability Performance Target that is aligned to the Company’s latest “Renewable Energy Roadmap” [1], which commits to achieving 100% Renewable Energy [2] for NWD’s Greater Bay Area rental properties [3] by Financial Year (FY) end 2025/26. The performance against the target, which will be reviewed by a third-party assurance provider, will be reported in NWD’s Annual Report until the SLB matures in 2031. Should NWD fail to achieve the target, it will purchase carbon offsets in an equivalent amount to 25 basis points per annum from 2027 until the SLB matures. The proceeds of the SLB will be allocated to NWD’s long-term sustainability initiatives, as well as general corporate purposes.

NWD执行副主席和首席执行官Adrian Cheng表示,“企业必须及时采取行动以打击气候变化。随着我们在中国的大湾区(GBA)的扩展,NWD将为下一代进行更清洁的未来。我们很高兴通过房地产开发商和我们的目标宣布世界上第一个载有可持续发展联系的联系,以实现GBA租赁物业的100%可再生能源。我们期待更多的房地产球员采用大胆但必要的步骤,以创建所有利益相关者的共享价值并保护环境。“

回应“新世界可持续发展愿景2030”[4]以降低多元化企业的50%碳排放强度,“可再生能源路线图”和SLB的目标将进一步减少2个排放量(从能源消耗间接的温室气体排放)in NWD’s rental properties. These commitments will help the Company decarbonise at the science-based target level, under the Paris Climate Agreement’s 1.5°C scenario. NWD will increase its renewable energy uptake via onsite generation, power-purchase agreements and renewable energy certificates.

Ellie Tang,NWD的可持续发展负责人,补充说:“通常的经营碳减少不再足以满足气候风险。除了在新世界可持续发展愿景2030中规定的绿色目标,我们将与全球最佳实践一致by adopting renewable energy in our building operations and protecting our communities from climate change impacts. This transaction reinforces NWD’s leadership in ESG integration and sustainable finance and supports renewable energy market development.”


NWD在2019年和2020年在全球房地产可持续发展基准(GRESB)上维持了五星级(最高)的评级,并成为可持续融资的领先创新者。Dedicated to promoting green buildings in the GBA, the Company issued Hong Kong’s first green loan and a green bond via its wholly owned subsidiary New World China Land in 2018. In 2019, NWD secured a HKD1 billion sustainability-linked loan and, in 2020, executed Hong Kong’s first interest rate swap linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

涉及此交易的银行是J.P. Morgan和UBS,作为全球协调员,联合书籍和联合结构代理人。





[5]https://sustainability.nwd.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/2021 / 01/new-world-development-slb-framework_final.pdf.
