


新世界百货商店中国有限公司(“NWDS”或“公司”;股票代码:825.HK),中国百货商店最大的业主和经营者之一,很高兴地宣布与上海长宁区体育协会合作为了推出@Sports - 网球学院,在@DREAM可持续发展方案下提供网球培训计划,为上海长宁区的资源低位儿童提供一年长的网球培训,以唤起他们的兴趣和体育潜力促进他们的身心健康。


Wang Renwei, Chairman of Shanghai Changning District Sports Association said, “Playing tennis can fully unleash children’s body coordination, explosive power and endurance, and primary school period is the optimal time to learn tennis as students’ physical strength, body coordination and imitative abilities have reached the learning requirements. The co-launch of the @Sports – Tennis Academy at Shanghai Changning Road Primary School with NWDS presents a new model of nurturing tennis talents at school, which not only enhances children’s fitness level, but also helps raise the popularity and standard of tennis in China. The collaboration also becomes an exemplary model of public-private partnership.

Rebecca Woo,公司事务总监和NWDS可持续指导委员会主席表示,“该公司认为儿童是社区的未来支柱,如果获得适当的培训,可以成为未来领导者。我们荣幸能够共同推出与上海长宁区体育协会的@Sports - 网球学院,并在上海长宁区教育局课程设计和学生招聘方面得到全面支持。通过这个计划,公司旨在鼓励孩子们锻炼身体和受益。此外,这种学习机会有助于孩子们释放他们的潜力,追求他们的梦想,培养对生活的积极态度。我们希望因计划而孵化未来的网球星。“