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本广告/促销材料中所示的照片,图像,图纸或草图代表了艺术家仅关注的发展的印象。它们不是按比例画的,或者可能是用计算机成像技术编辑和处理过的。准买家可参阅售楼说明书,了解有关发展项目的详情。卖方亦建议准买家到发展区实地参观,以便更了解该发展地盘、其周围环境及附近的公众设施。#供应商指定的网站的地址为阶段的阶段,用于住宅物业(第一手销售)条例的第2部分。发展的名称:帕维利亚农场。开发阶段的名称:发展的第1阶段的名称是“帕维利亚农场I”(“阶段”)。Pavilia农场的住宅部分包括塔2(2a&2b)和塔3(3a&3b).vendor:MTR Corporation Limited(作为“所有者”),Lucrifative Venture Limited(作为所订婚的人)(注意:“所有者”意味着阶段的住宅物业的法律或有益所有者和“如此订婚的人”是指由业主协调和监督设计,规划,建造,拟合,完成和销售的过程的人。阶段)。 Holding company of the Owner (MTR Corporation Limited): Not applicable. Holding company of the Person so engaged (Lucrative Venture Limited): New World Development Company Limited. The authorized person for the Phase and the firm or corporation of which the authorized person is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Mr. Leung Kit-Man Andy of Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited. Building contractor for the Phase: Hip Seng Construction Company Limited. The firms of solicitors acting for the Owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Phase: Deacons, Mayer Brown, Kao, Lee & Yip. Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Phase: Not applicable. Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Phase: New World Finance Company Limited. This website is published by the Person so engaged with the consent of the Owner. To the best of the vendor’s knowledge, the estimated material date for the Phase is 30 September 2022 (Material date means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the Phase. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase). Prospective purchaser is advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Phase. Please refer to the sales brochure for details. This website and all its contents are for reference only, which do not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any express or implied offer, representation, undertaking or warranty by the vendor (whether related to view or not).